Monday, February 9, 2009


I'm home from Hunstville, with a shiny new belt buckle! 24 hours and 39 minutes to run 100 miles. Wow, it's hard to describe what it feels like to have run a hundred. Well, there's a lot of pain in the description, but you know what I mean.

Voluminous race report forthcoming, probably in a few days, I have a lot of studying to do the next few days.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Rocky Butterflies

Sitting here, staring at my biochem, all I can think of is getting through the race this weekend. Really, I just want to start it, I'm not worried about it, just really excited to get going.

I haven't ran since Sunday. I think I'll try to do a few miles tomorrow and then maybe again on Thursday, but nothing insane.

Erin, Kathleen and I are leaving Thurs after work. Going to stop in Oklahoma City and stay with one of Erin's family friends then head down to Huntsville on Friday, hopefully arriving fairly early in the afternoon. Yes, for Kathleen's last weekend in the States we're dragging her to a hundred miler ten hours away. I think that qualifies as being a good host, no?

I'll talk to y'all on Monday.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

A Weekend of Wyco Fun

I'm getting good at losing people at wyco. A few Thursdays ago I lost one person, on a night run, and today, not satisfied with losing just one person, I lost TWO! I rule. I'm going to try for three next time I run out there.

I found them, eventually. They would have made it out of the park alive, I'm sure. Or would they? Never know. Silly cougar might have gotten them.

Total wyco mileage this weekend was 30 miles. Did two loops on Sat morning and one loop this morning after helping out with the 5k. About 80 or so people ran it. The general consensus of folks finishing it was "damn, that was the hardest course I've ever ran". Yeah, no shit, those hills are brutal.

I'm not too worried about Rocky this weekend. I just want to get it started. I feel ready. Third attempt at a 100 miler, hopefully this time I'll finish it. That's all I want to do, finish it (oh, and in under 24 hours).